In the temperature of hydrogen fluoride, thorn felt fiber fabric and chemical fiber mixed with acupuncture and. The product has good abrasion resistance, high tensile
strength, and the normal use temperature is 150°C, and the time is 180°C. Suitable for temperature, high concentration of smoke and dust, high filtration requirements
of the dust filter industry.
技术参数 Technical parameter
名 称 Name
中温氢氟斯针刺毡Needle felt of medium temperature hydrogen fluoride
材质 Raw material
PPS,亚克力 / 玻纤基布 PPS, acrylic/glass fiber fabric
克重 Weight
透气性 Air permeability
80- 100L/㎡ ·s@200Pa
径向拉力 Radial pull
纬向拉力 Weft Tensile Strength
径向伸长 Radial elongation
纬向伸长 Weft elongation
使用温度 Use temperature
≤ 150° C,瞬间 180° C Instant 180°C
耐酸性 Acid resistance
良 Good
耐碱性 Alkali resistance
良 Good
过滤效率 Filtration velocity
后处理方式 Post processing method
烧毛,压光或特氟隆涂层,化学处理 Singeing, calendering or Teflon,Chemical treatment